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Silicon Template

Silicon Valley is known for having one of the most attractive markets for tech startups as well as the most notable companies we use today so I created this new template called ‘Silicon’ inspired by these startup groups.

I’ve always loved Silicon Valley. From the biggest companies such as Apple to the smallest teams hoping to make a name for themselves, this California Area has been fruitful with innovation and a love for the technical craft. I hope to someday have the opportunity to visit these businesses.

Let me know if there are any major bugs or things I need to improve on. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

This is now available for purchase in my Template Gallery along with Frost Template Check out a Demo of the Template here

Let me know if you need help

Building some of the elements for this template required some extra ‘grunt' work for Bootstrap and CSS styles. So, if you have any questions or need help with anything, please don’t hesitate to contact me. My schedule may be limited do to the Global Pandemic but I will do my best to reach you as soon as possible.

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